Card Reading Lectura de Cartas by Karinna Psychic Mediums – Tarot – Amarres
Karinna is the creator of Card Reading Lectura de Cartas in Houston Texas, Karinna is a youtuber who has developed her innate qualities in the spiritual aspect having consecrations such as Santera in Cuban Santeria, her skills as a Medium Spiritualist helps organizations find their pets, its services such as Psychic are one of the most requested by people who speak English.
Karinna Card Reading offers online services, by phone and email, if you need an in-person consultation, you must schedule it in advance. All consultations are private for Tarot Card Reading, Cigar Reading, Rose Reading, Water Glass Reading, Reading with Coffee, and many more services.




Our Story
Tarot Card Reading is directed by Karinna Psychic who comes from a family tradition in the spiritual part, we carry out moorings for couples, spiritual cleansing, business and home cleaning, personal bathrooms, work with personalized and ritualized candles, we have more than 20 years of experience in Santeria, Curanderismo, Medium and Psychic.
Karinna Youtuber
You can visit our YouTube channel where you will find recipes and jobs that you can do personally if you have the time, space and above all that energy that is needed for things to work.
Psychic Online Network
We have created an online network of websites where you can find all of our private services that we offer, you will never meet family or neighbors, consultations are by appointment. Call us at 281-989–9795
Amarres de Amor
Este servicio es para proteger tu relacion y atraer a tu pareja, en las mayorias de los casos siempre hay un intruso o intrusa que te va a quitar la tranquilidad, no lo permitas siempre un paso adelante con los servicios de Karinna.

Card Readings
Ofrecemos una variedad de Lecturas.
Lectura de Cartas
Lectura de Tarot
Lectura Francisca

Psychic Readings
Si necesita un servicio como Psychic ha llegado al lugar correcto.
Spiritual Cleanse

Limpias Espirituales
Quitamos brujeria, salacion, maldicion y otras energias negativas.
Limpias Espirituales
Limpias de Negocios
Limpia de Casas

Veladoras Preparadas
Candle Work
Candle Spells for Love
Velas personalizadas y ritualizadas por 7 y 21 dias.
Veladoras para Limpieza
Veladoras para el Amor
Veladoras para Recuperar Pareja
Veladoras para alejar parejas
Years of Experience
About Me
More than 20 years of experience helping people solve their personal and emotional problems.
- Tarot
- Astrology
- Palm Reading

Separate Your Private Consultation